EVI Calculator

This is a fast, easy quantitative fin tech web app with three simple steps to calculate the most conservative result of an initiative based on Enterprise Value Integration. Typically, the result is measured in millions or tens of millions of US dollars. Each question is explained with a short video. There are seven explanations and a final video with a description of next steps. We recommend you and your colleagues take a few minutes to calculate the value you can add to your organization. RUN YOUR NUMBERS >


EVI Query Engine

Search engine powered by artificial intelligence (AI) technologies such as machine learning (ML) and recommendation engine (RE) enables accountants to find contracts and transactions to support compliance with ASC 606 revenue recognition principles. DEMO + WHITE PAPER >computer-evi-query-engine-2

EVI Simulations

With data identified from the EVI Query Engine, our team will help your financial analyst to construct a model for predicting a how much more profitable your organization can be. The simulations can manipulate variables to that impact EBITDA. The results are used to prioritize where to begin implementing Enterprise Value Integration. VIDEO >computer-evi-simulations-2


What is the fastest way to search, tag, analyze and deploy solutions that can optimize value for customers and shareholder? Enterprise Value Integration continues to build upon its model with three applications designed for analysts and accountants.


What is the fastest way to access trained and certified experts in Enterprise Value Integration? Crowdsourcing analyst opinions will allow your organization to quickly get unbiased and confidential external opinions on what things your company does actually may not produce value for customers.


What kind of support is available through Enterprise Value Integration? Data integration is a starting point. Once you gain insights on the things you do that may not add-value, we can also provide management consulting to help make tough decisions with the least disruption.


How do we get people to use the software? Enterprise Value Integration provides extensive training with on-demand training videos. Your team can get help any time with a comprehensive set of videos.